  • I would be happy to know when the the next Olympic outreach is, Japan. If I have good health, I would be happy to attend. Christopher

  • Since I was born and grew up in Japan, I would be able to help with the language and I love Japan and want to reach people there so it would be a good opportunity for me. Michelle

About Us

welcome to our website 2.0

Thanks for your understanding.

The best laid plans ...
This page will develop over time. If you poke around much you will get a lot of "404 page" messages. This is because we have to rebuild everything from the ground up. We will get that done as we have opportunity.

That said, if you have suggestions or things you want to see on these pages, please drop us an email with your suggestions.

Our Mission

S.E.E. is a continuation of a great opportunity to reach people from all over the world. We target the largest sporting events of the world as an opportunity to tell people about Jesus Christ.

Our Vision

Giving God's people the opportunites that He has prepared in advance for them.

Our History

  • For some 20 years God has been calling people to Himself as they gather together to enjoy good sporting events. It is not too unlike when God called the world to Jerusalem on the day Christians celebrate as Pentecost.

    For some 20 years the Club has flourished from small beginnings to now having a track with an excellent surface complimented by trackside facilities that are better than most and as good as the best.

    Over the 20 years The ministry has developed and changed. We pray we are getting better at this. As of 2016 two groups Crandall International Ministries and Sports Impact joined together as one.

Important Rio Olympic Games Statictics


People involved


Nations we talked with


booklets given


Known in follow-up